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Air Fit Front-Clip Dog Harness

Manufacturer: ppark

The new AirFit Front-clip dog harness is made from AirTouch breathable and shock-absorbing chest pad.

Combined with aluminum hardware, this dog harness is extremely light-weight and durable!

Looking for a dog harness for an outdoor dog? This is the best dog harness for walking, running and training.

The ppark AirFit Front-clip dog harness uses an Aluminum alloy instead of conventional steel for the rings to make this great dog harness as light as air as well as easy for dog control!


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- Great for redirecting dogs that pull or lunge
- Shock-absorbing
- Front Control Ring Aluminum hardware
- AirTouch breathable, soft chest pad, minimizing irritation on you and your pet’s skin.

Sizing Chart

Size Girth cm (in) Neck cm (in)
XS 37-49 (14½"-12¼") 24-38 (9½"-15")
S 45-59 (17¾"-23¼") 29-49 (11½"-19¼")
M 57-75 (22½"-29½") 37-61 (14½"-24")
L 68-95 (26¾"-37¼") 40-71 (15¾"-28")